Deep One-Time Marketing Audit

Welcome to Leadschief Marketing Agency: Unleashing Your Business Potential through a Comprehensive Marketing Audit

marketing audit

Overview of What We Cover in Our Marketing Audit

Unlocking the full potential of your business requires a strong foundation built on effective marketing strategies. At Leadschief Marketing Agency, we understand that every business is unique, and that’s why we begin our partnership with a deep marketing audit. Our marketing audit is a process that allows us to evaluate your current marketing efforts, identify areas for improvement, and develop a tailored roadmap to success.

Why Does Your Business Need a Marketing Audit?

In today’s rapidly evolving marketplace, staying ahead of the competition is crucial. A marketing audit serves as a powerful tool to assess the effectiveness of your current marketing strategies and uncover untapped opportunities. By conducting a thorough analysis of your business’s current online presence, we can pinpoint areas of strength, address weaknesses, and create a solid foundation for future growth.

After a Complete Marketing Audit/Analysis What Further Steps Do We Take?

After conducting a comprehensive marketing audit, our team of experts will collaborate with you to develop a customized strategy that aligns with your business goals. Our tailored solutions will empower your business to thrive in the ever-changing landscape, ensuring you stay ahead of the curve.

Complete Online Marketing Audit: Analyzing Your Current Strategies

In today’s digital era, an online presence is vital for success. Our marketing audit goes beyond traditional marketing channels and delves into the intricacies of your online presence. We thoroughly examine your website, social media platforms, search engine rankings, paid advertising campaigns, and more. By analyzing your current online marketing strategies. We identify what is working and what is missing, and highlight opportunities for growth.

Uncovering Marketing Opportunities: Optimizing GMB, Paid Advertising, and Website Rankings

Our online marketing audit leaves no stone unturned. We focus on identifying opportunities that can supercharge your digital presence. This includes optimizing your Google My Business (GMB) profile to enhance local visibility, utilizing paid advertising (PPC Advertising) to reach your target audience more effectively, and fine-tuning your website to improve rankings on search engines for relevant keywords. We believe in harnessing every available resource to maximize your brand’s visibility, engagement, and conversions.

Pay Per Click(PPC) Marketing Audit

We analyze your PPC Strategy by looking at active ad campaigns, or old campaigns that you could have used in the past to look for opportunities to maximize the quality of clicks, conversion rates, and ROI.

Below is a checklist of all we will look into:

  • Audit your current strategy
  • Ad setup from scratch
  • Live Ad Campaign adjustments
  • Complete PPC campaign optimization
  • Manual & automatic bid adjustments
  • Keyword and match type selections
  • Keyword refining & Expansion
  • Add Negative Keywords
  • Ad Strength & Quality Score
  • Search, Display & Video Ads
  • Dynamic Campaigns
  • Conversion & Event Tracking
  • Creative Ad Writing
  • Responsive Search & Display Ads
  • PPC Call Tracking
  • Precise Audience Targeting
  • A/B Testing, Split Testing
  • Remarketing Campaigns
  • Conversion Rate Optimization
  • Ad Preview & Diagnosis
  • Traffic Quality Improvements
  • Find areas of Wasteful Spend

If you notice we missed anything, share it with us and we will add it to your marketing strategy.

      Website Audit

      A website audit is done to examine the overall performance and health of the website. Below is the checklist of all we will look at during the audit:

      1. Website Speed and Performance:

      • Page load times
      • Server response time
      • Caching and compression settings
      • Image optimization
      • Minification of CSS and JavaScript files

      2. Mobile-Friendliness:

      • Responsive design
      • Mobile viewport configuration
      • Touchscreen readiness
      • Mobile-specific errors or issues

      3. Search Engine Optimization (SEO):

      • Title tags, meta descriptions, and header tags
      • URL structure and readability
      • Keyword usage and optimization
      • Internal and external linking
      • Sitemap presence and accuracy
      • Robots.txt file configuration

      4. Content Quality and Relevance:

      • Unique, well-written content
      • Proper usage of headings and subheadings
      • Keyword Integration and semantic relevance
      • Readability and formatting
      • Content duplication issues

      5. Security:

      • SSL certificate presence and validity
      • Secure login and password protection
      • Protection against malware and hacking
      • Regular backups and disaster recovery plan

      6. Analytics and Tracking:

      • Installation and configuration of Google Analytics or other tracking tools
      • Tracking code placement and accuracy
      • Goal tracking and conversion rate analysis
      • Monitoring of website traffic and user behavior

      7. Accessibility:

      • Compliance with web accessibility guidelines (WCAG)
      • Alternative text for images
      • Proper heading structure
      • Color contrast and font size considerations
      • Keyboard navigation and focus management

      8. Social Media Integration:

      • Social sharing buttons
      • Integration with social media profiles
      • Open Graph tags for social sharing
      • Social media engagement and interaction

      9. Competitive Analysis:

      • Comparison with competitor websites
      • Identifying strengths and weaknesses
      • Benchmarking against industry standards

      This comprehensive list should provide a solid foundation for conducting a thorough website audit. Specific requirements may vary depending on the website’s goals, industry, and target audience.

        Complete Digital Marketing Audit

        Audit to establish the current digital presence of your business


        • Local Business Listings (also called Google My Business or Google Maps)
        • Website ranking for popular keywords on search engines like Google, Bing
        • Website content, responsiveness, and upload speed
        • Paid advertising strategy (PPC advertising strategy- Google Ads, Facebook Ads, YouTube Ads, Local Ads)
        • Social Media Presence

          Why choose Leadschief Agency for your Business Online Marketing Audits

          At Leadschief Marketing Agency, we take pride in our ability to deliver powerful, engaging, and trustworthy marketing solutions. Our team of skilled professionals combines their expertise and knowledge to provide you with a comprehensive marketing audit that forms the foundation for your success. We believe in building long-term partnerships and empowering businesses to achieve their full potential.

          We are a marketing company that tries its best to offer true value for money. In an audit, if it appears to us that everything is already in good shape, we won’t suggest or recommend you anything.

          However, if you still want to collaborate with us or hire us for branding and marketing, we are just a phone call away.

          Ready to Grow your Business with Leadschief Digital Marketing Agency

          Contact our team of skilled marketing professionals.