How to Get More Dental Patients with Digital Marketing

Get more dental patients with digital marketing

How to Get More Dental Patients with Digital Marketing

Get More Dental Patients by putting your Listings in the Spotlight


In this world where everyone is on the internet, attracting new patients is not a difficult task at all. Being said that, it is easy provided you know and learn how to market your dental practice on the Internet.

Customers search for everything online, and so are your potential patients. People use Google and Social media all day to find what they need.

Let’s take a scenario. You are in Central Chicago and want to reserve a table for a date night within 10 mile radius of your location. How do you do it?

Don’t you take your phone and search “best dine-in restaurant near me”, or “best restaurant for a date night in Central Chicago” on Google? I bet we all do it. If you don’t, probably you are born before the 90s or 80s or stay away from the internet and technology. But this is how people in this 20th century search for what they need.

Based on reviews, and Google ratings people decide to call the restaurant or explore their menu, or reserve a table. The same logic and behaviors apply to patients who need a dental checkup or treatment.

How Digital Advertising helps you Get More Dental Patients

In this blog post, I am sharing proven digital marketing ways that work for Dentists and help them keep their calendars full. Hang tight and keep writing.

Get more Dental Patients with a Local SEO strategy- putting your listings on Google My Business

Local SEO is the easiest and most affordable A good Local SEO strategy makes a dental practice appear in the Top 3 Google Searches. Customers easily spot you when they search “dentist near me”, or “dentist in central Chicago” (dental services + location).

Your dental clinic must be in one of the Top 3 listings of Google My Business so your ideal patients spot you first and you won’t miss a chance to get noticed and be seen. Optimizing the Google My Business Profile for your Dental practice will help in driving more calls and website visitors which can turn into paying patients.

Nothing hurts your dental clinic more when it doesn’t appear in front of patients searching for you online. You don’t show up in the top 3 listings, simply means your competitors are taking that position.

Get your complimentary Dental Local SEO strategy by clicking here.

Get more Dental Patients by advertising on Google- Google Ads (Sponsored ads on Google)

get more dental patients using Google Ads, spnsored ads
Google Sponsored Ads for Dentists

Google Ads or Sponsored Ads is an additional feature Dentists can use to push their listings/ads in front of users who search for terms/phrases you bid your money on. These terms are called Keywords. This is a highly effective marketing strategy for dentists that drives a lot of conversions.

Why? Because these sponsored ads show even above the Google My Business listings(you just read about it above in the Local SEO part), they are highly targeted and only appear for keywords you bid on or the locations you want your ads to appear in.

Consider you are a dentist in Chicago. You want your ads to be visible to those who search “cosmetic dentist in Chicago” or, “cosmetic dentist near me” on Google. People hit the search button after writing these words on Google and Boom! The first thing they see from their smartphone or laptop is your ads.

A good Google Ads strategy can easily book 20-40 new patients for your dental practice. Have a goal in mind you want to achieve and grow your dental clinic? Let’s talk and find out how we can make it happen.

Get your complimentary Dental Local SEO strategy by clicking here.

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