Care Homes Marketing- Top 10 Google Ads Marketing Practices for Care Homes

Care Homes Marketing- Top 10 Google Ads Marketing Practices for Care Homes

Top 10 Care Home Marketing Tips You Can’t Miss: Guaranteed New Bookings with Google Ads Strategy

Care Homes can use various online marketing methods for Lead Generation, attracting more traffic to their website and getting inquiries from local residents. The most common ones are PPC Advertising (Google Ads, Facebook Ads, YouTube Ads, Bing Ads), Social Media Marketing, and SEO.

In this blog post, we will share the 10 Best Google Ads Marketing Practices that Care homes can follow to improve their online marketing strategy and win more resident inquiries and bookings.

1. Care Homes Marketing Strategy can be made more powerful & effective using Google Search Ads

Google Ads marketing platform offers various campaigns like Search Ads, display ads, video ads, discovery ads, and performance max campaigns. Among all these ad types search ads is the one you should go for.

Why Google Search Ads?

It is because whenever someone needs to find a nursing facility for their loved ones or for themselves, they would search for it on Google. By using Google Search Ads you ensure that your ads are the first thing people find when they search for nursing homes on search engines like Google.

Care Homes Google Ads Marketing

2. Take your Care Homes marketing Strategy to next level by writing Ad copies that resonate with users’ search to get more Clicks.

If you want more ad clicks, then it is a must you invest time in writing your ad copies. Incomplete ad copies or unprofessional writing is a turn-off for online users. Even Google favors ads that are written in a professional way.

Think in this way: Just because you are paying Google to show your ads and get more customers doesn’t mean Google will do it. If your competitor’s ad is better, Google could show their ads on Top of Google Searches.

3. Level up your Care Homes Marketing ROI by using more Ad Extensions.

Using Ad Extensions can improve Click Through Rates by over 50% and boost the decision-making of your ideal prospects.

There is a limitation on how many characters you can write in your headlines and descriptions. In a single headline you cannot use more than 30 characters; and for descriptions, it is 90. It is very likely that you want to show more information about your nursing facility in ads, and this is where ad extensions come into the picture.

Some of the most common ad extensions that can be used for your Nursing Home marketing campaigns are:

  1. Call Extensions: Used to show your nursing home business phone number.
  2. Callout Extensions: They can be used to highlight unique aspects of your nursing facility.
  3. Sitelink Extensions: These are used to provide other internal links to your website pages such as contact, about us, other services, etc.
  4. Location Extensions: Want your audience to give directions or the distance of your nursing facility from their location, use location extensions.
  5. Image Extensions: It is a new feature rolled out by Google for their customers who want to show images and gain the trust and attention of their ideal audience.
  6. Promotion Extensions: Want to highlight the online promotions or offers for your nursing facility, go for promotion extensions. Offers and discounts have always worked and can work for your nursing facility.
  7. Other extensions: There are a few more extensions that are available and you can use them as you find fit.

4. Nursing Homes can maximize the ROI for Google Ads Marketing by using the right audience targeting.

Audience targeting in Google Ad marketing Campaigns decides where and to whom your ads will show. Without the right audience targeting, it is all a waste of time and your marketing budget. You will quickly drain your marketing budget without a good return on your ad spent.

There are 2 ways to target your potential audience for your nursing home:

  1. Location Targeting: Location targeting decides in what location your ads will show. If your nursing facility is based in Chicago, you would only like to show your ads in the Chicago area, or nearby areas.
  2. Demographic Targeting: Use demographic targeting for your nursing homes if you want to target your audience based on age, income, or gender.

Missing to use audience targeting correctly can lead to ads being shown outside of your target locations, resulting in poor conversion rates.

5. Nursing Homes can take advantage of Google Ads Marketing Platform by using the right Keywords.

Need your Google Ad campaigns to generate quality leads and inquiries for your Nursing Facility? Finding the right keyword is the key to getting better conversion and conversion rates.

You can use tools like Google Keyword Planner to find keywords that are relevant to your nursing facility.

6. Use Negative Keywords in your Google Ad Campaigns to get high-quality Ad clicks and Conversions.

One of the best practices to be followed in Google Ads Marketing for Nursing Home care is using a lot of Negative Keywords.

The way keywords allow your ads to trigger when the same or similar searches are made on Google, Negative Keywords block your ads from showing for non-relevant searches. It saves non-relevant spending on clicks, maximizes conversions, and keeps your ad campaigns in a better position than your competitors.

To give you an example, our Google Ads Experts who manage ad campaigns for nursing homes use more than 1000 negative keywords.

7. Measure Google Ads ROI for Nursing Homes by using Conversion Tracking

Conversion data

Thanks to technology and digital advertising, it allow us to measure the effectiveness of paid marketing campaigns like Google Ads.

8. Remarketing Ads

Care Homes marketing strategy also includes utilizing remarketing ads to target potential customers who had already visited their website or are searching for care home services on the Internet. Show customized offers and care home plans to people who had already visited your site or exploring other nursing facilities.

9. Monitoring your Google Ads Performance

Monitoring your paid campaign traffic can help identify the current performance of your ads and how you are spending your money. By a deep analysis of search terms and ad performance, you can find what is working best for your care homes. With such findings, you can fix the loopholes in your Google Ads Marketing strategy and fix them to drive better quality clicks, calls, and conversions.

Need to discuss your Care Home Marketing Strategy?