60 Leads using Google Ads Marketing and Management for Nursing Home and Assisted Living Facility

Expert Google Ads Marketing and Lead Generation for Nursing Homes and Assisted Living Homes

60 Leads using Google Ads Marketing and Management for Nursing Home and Assisted Living Facility

Google Ads Maketing and management for nursing home and assisted living home for lead generation

Digital Marketing and Google Ads Marketing for Nursing Home and Assisted Living Facility to Generate Leads

Leadschief Digital Marketing Agency generated 60 leads for a nursing home and assisted living facility in the United States using Google Ads Marketing and Management.

Here in this blog post we will discover how we help nursing homes to attract more traffic that converts into good-quality leads.

List of things you need to start online lead generation for nursing homes or assisted living homes

  1. Google Ads Marketing will benefit your care home business if you can invest in it for a long run, such as 6 months to a year.
  2. It is going to cost you money, so you need to have a marketing budget in stock to be able to invest in Google Ads Marketing
  3. You need a well-optimized website, or a customized landing page where you can send your customers after they click on the ad.
  4. Knowledge of how Google Ads works and how to optimize ad campaigns. If you don’t have time, hire a professional Google Ads Expert or an agency.
  5. Patience is the key. Google Ads is not magic that will start getting leads for your business from day 1.
  6. You need conversion tracking set up in place on your Google Ads account to measure online leads such as contact form submissions and calls to your business.
  7. Reviewing the performance will be important to understand whether Google Ads Marketing is performing as per your set digital marketing goals.
Google Ads Marketing results for nursing home and assisted living facility in United States

Step by Step Explanation of Managing Google Ads Marketing Campaigns for Nursing Home and Assisted Living

Setting The Basics of Google Ads Marketing Campaign Right

Marketing Success with Google Ads Campaigns can be achieved for your Nursing Homes or Assisted Living Care Facility only if you do the basics right. Basics mean setting the campaign correctly according to industry standards to achieve desired goals. Things like user targeting, keyword selection, bidding management, budget allocation, writing winning ad copies and extensions, device bid optimization, etc. – all comes under the basics of using profitable Google Ads Marketing and Online Lead Generation.

If not taken into consideration, your entire marketing budget and planning can go for a toss.

Keyword Research in Google Ads for Nursing Home and Assisted Home Lead Generation

Choosing the right keywords for advertising your nursing facility or assisted living community on Google is the key.

Keywords are search terms that online users search on Google. And using them appropriately can help your ads to be seen by people who are searching for nursing homes or assisted living homes in their area.

Remember: right keyword selection can bring good quality traffic and more leads, poor keyword selection can ruin your marketing budget resulting in poor lead quality and conversions.

Examples: nursing home in [city], assisted living facility near me, etc

Google Ads Marketing for Nursing Homes and Assisted Living can be made More Effective by breaking into categories

Creating multiple campaigns and ad groups with specific keywords can help set up more personalized campaigns targeting specific users.

You might want to put all keywords into one campaign, or create multiple campaigns and ad groups to target specific keywords. The marketing strategy depends on services you want to promote, or goals you want to achive.

Suppose you want to get more leads for people searching for long term care, it would be ideal to use keywords related to the service under a specific campaign or ad group. Doing this will ensure the budget spent for this keyword or driving leads for such services is done in the best way possible.

Impactful Nursing Homes and Assisted Living Marketing with Unique Headings and Descriptions

In Google Ads, your ads are seen first by your online users searching for nursing homes. So, the first goal is to make people click on your ads so you can take them to your targeted landing page or your business website.

And therefore, writing unique ad copies and descriptions will bring a huge difference in the number of people clicking on your ads. Using keywords in ad copies and other relevant words and services can get the attention of the users driving better engagement and conversion rates.

Improve The Visibility of your Ads and User Engagement by using Google Ad Extenstions

in Google Ads, there is a limit to character limit per headline and description. Also, there is a limit that 2-3 headings or 2 descriptions would show.

By using Ad Extensions in Google Ad Campaigns you own more real estate on the Google Search Results Page. Using Extensions can add more value to your ads by showing unique amenities and services your nursing home provides. And this can result in more people clicking on your ads, compared to someone who don’t use ad extensions.

Using Negative Keywords in Google Ads Marketing Campaigns to improve Conversion Rates for your Nursing Homes

Like a keyword in Google Ads is responsible for showing your ads to users, negative keywords stops showing your ads for certain searches and locations. It saves money being spent on non-relevant searches.

By using negative keywords we can ensure the ads for your nursing home or assisted living community only show for relevant searches and drive better leads and conversion rates.

Remember: Irrespective of using the right keywords, the ads for your nursing care home can still show for non-relevant searches, and therefore it is very important to use negative keywords.

Control your Google Ads Marketing Costs by using Manual Bidding

While setting up Google Ads for your nursing home, Google will recommend you to use automated bidding strategy. Automatic bidding allows Google to raise costs when whenever required.

By using manual bidding, Cost per Click (CPC) for nursing home keywords can be kept under control, while driving more conversions.

Remember: Using automatic bidding is only recommended when you have lots of conversion data so Google’s algorithms knows what your goals are.

Google Ads Marketing Campaign Budget Allocation for Nursing Home Lead Generation Campaigns

When you first start your campaign, you might not have enough data and resources to decide how much budget you want to invest to promote your nursing home.

With years of experience and knowledge managing Google Ad Campaigns for Nursing Homes and Assisted Living Facilities, we can help allocate marketing budget across various ad campaigns to drive desired goals.

A low budget campaign can have poor performance. Also, a high budget with unoptimized campaigns will be of no good use either. So it is important to have a balance, and adjust the marketing budget across high-performing campaigns.

Testing Google Ad Campaigns and Keyword Variations to Get More Leads for Nursing and Asssisted Living Home

Like everything else, Google Ads performance and lead generation quality and quantity can be increased by running campaign experiments and testing different variations.

Testing allows to discover better opportunites for the growth in leads and conversions from Google Ads Campaigns set up for your Nursing Home or Assisted Living Homes.

You can test variants like kewyords, ad copies, landing pages, bids, device bids, ad rotation, location targeting and so many other things to find better opportunites for success.

Landing Page Optimiztion for Google Ads Marketing Success and Better Engagement

After the ad click, the user lands on your website page or a landing page. To get better conversions from Google Ads Marketing for your nursing care homes, its recommended to optimize your website pages, or create a landing page to provide users with the information they need and reduce distraction.

Your website could have multiple pages and blogs that not everyone might want to know. may they want to know if your nursing facility accepts a particular insurance, explore your services, know costs, etc.

Creating landing page for specific keywords, or optimizing the website with user-friendly content can help your clients take better decisions.

Setup Google Ads Conversion Tracking to Track Leads & Calls for Nursing Homes and Assisted Living Homes

The best thing about Google Ads strategy or while setting up a Google Ad campaign for your Nursing Facility is that you can measure important customer actions on your business website or landing page.

Our team at Leadschief Digital Marketing Agency has the expertise and knowledge to setup conversion tracking on your Google Ads Account so we know how many leads and calls you are getting out every month after spending an “X” amount.

If someone fails to setup conversion tracking, all they will see is click and other data which will not make sense.

Monitoring Your Nursing Home’s Google Ads Performance and Taking Data-Driven Marketing Decisions

Once we have the conversion action set up for your Google Ads Account, we will be able to see how many leads and calls you get for your nursing facility or assisted living facility through Google Ads Strategy.

Analyzing the data will help us understand what is working in favor of your marketing goals and what is going against your goals. Insights like conversion for keywords, cost per conversion, conversion rates, etc. can help us take the next steps in further optimizing the campaigns for better reach and engagement in the upcoming weeks and months.

In technical terms we say “data is everything”. Analyzing and interpreting the data from Google Ads can help optimize your nursing homes’ Google Ad campaign for success.

When not sure, let go off your Google Ad Campaigns and Keywords

We have done everything in control to get desired marketing goals from Google Ads fora Nursing Home. But sometimes there will be keywords that will hurt your bank account, campaigns with poor performance.

It is wise to let such campaigns, or keywords go, or pause them to avoid losses and focus on other areas to try and get better results.

Bonus Tip: Don’t only rely on Google Ads Marketing for promoting your Nursing Home

Google Ads is indeed powerful !

I have seen the growth, leads quality, and so have our clients.

But, don’t limit yourself to using Google Ads only if you want consistent leads and customer inquiries.

There are many other digital marketing strategies you can do to increase the lead count and customer inquiries for your nursing home or assisted living home.

Digital marketing strategies like SEO (Search Engine optimization), Local SEO or Google My Business Optimization, Content marketing, Facebook Advertising, etc. can expand your business reach and put your business in front of more people.

And if your goal as a nursing home owner is to dominate the internet searches and get in front of your ideal customers, you should be using other strategies like the ones I mentioned above and not just Google Ads marketing so you get the marketing results you have been dreaming of.

Leadschief digital marketing agency for nursing home and assisted living online marketing and management

Why Hire Us as Google Ads Manager for Nursing Home and Assisted Living Home Lead Generation

  • Proved Track record of success in Google Ads Marketing and Management
  • 6 Years of Nursing Home Marketing Experience
  • Transparent Pricing
  • No growth for you, no money for us. Check our refund policy.
  • Complete Digital Marketing at one place- efficiently manage your Google Ad Campaigns, Facebook Ads, SEO, Local SEO, and Website Design and Optimization.
  • Transparent Pricing.
Google Ads marketing and digital marketing for nursing homes and assisted living homes

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